Author Archives: a-hydra

Ben Tillett: Working class friend or foe?

Date: Sunday 1st April

Time: 2:00pm

Discussion led by Jim McNeill

To launch Bristol Radical History Group’s new pamphlet, “Ben Tillett” this talk will cover the life and work of this Bristol-born, Trade Union leader. Tillett was the fiery and outspoken leader of numerous dock strikes from 1888 to 1914 in Bristol, London, Hull and elsewhere. However, by the outbreak of the First World War he, along with many union and Labour Party leaders, had become an open class collaborator and a recruiting sergeant within the working class for the bloody war in Europe.
This talk will also highlight how the Victorian and Edwardian employing class co-ordinated their combating the  rise of mass trade unionism by organising blackleg labour that was protected by both the police and the military. In the light of recent class struggles such as the miners and the printers at Wapping then there are lessons to be learned as to what kind of leadership we want to elect to lead such struggles.
So come prepared for a discussion as well as buying this new BRHG publication!


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Poetry Evening with Edson Burton

Date: Thursday 22/03/12
Time: 7:00pm

Dr Edson Burton has written plays for both BBC Radio 4 and regional
radio. In 2010, his first full-length theatrical production, Children of
Salt opened to critical acclaim. His first collection of poetry Seasoned
was published by City Chameleon in 2008. Edson combines his writing with
research, poetry performance, talks and storytelling.

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21/03/2012: Introducing the Bristol Pound

The Bristol Pound is a secure local currency designed to support Bristol’s independent businesses, strengthen the local economy, keep our high streets diverse and distinct, helping build a strong community.

Speakers from the Bristol Pound scheme will introduce the idea, how it works and where its happening. This will be followed by a question and answer session where we can explore the benefits of the £B for local traders and the wider community.

Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm

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14/03/2012: Bristol Traveller Solidarity Network

Bristol Traveller Solidarity Network is a local group of people looking to take direct action against discrimination and persecution of Travellers, Roma and Gypsies. We will work as closely as possibly with other groups in Bristol, while being part of a national network that came together through resisting the eviction of Dale Farm last year.

On Wednesday 14th March, we are holding a meeting to discuss what’s currently happening in Bristol and what we can do as a group. All people who want to be involved – whether travelling or settled – are welcome, as are local groups who can talk to us about what they’re doing already.

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13/03/2012: Weather Underground, film, and talks by ABC

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross host a series of films, talks and discussions on David Gilbert’s recent book Love and Struggle. David was part of The Weather Underground and part of the Revolutionary Armed Task Force, in solidarity with the Black Liberation Army. This book focuses on his radicalisation – from scout to revolutionary. The Weather Underground was a radical group whose militant direct actions were aimed at police and the United States Army, in solidarity with people of colour in the United States and abroad.

Time: 7.30pm til 9.30pm

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