Author Archives: a-hydra

Meet the Editor of Minor Compositions – Stevphen Shukaitis

Due to ill health Stevphen has had to Postpone tonights event

Plan is to re-scheduled for this event for the spring, sorry for any inconvenience.

Date: Thursday 15th December 2011
Speaker: Stevphen Shukaitis
Time: 19:00
Venue:Hydra Books 34 Old Market

Minor Compositions is a research – theorizing – publishing project whose aim is to bring together, develop, and mutate forms of autonomist thought and practice, avant-garde aesthetics, and an everyday approach to politics. This draws a good deal of inspiration from history of militant research and workers’ inquiry, expanding it beyond inquiry into particular workplaces into a more general investigation of cultural labor, social reproduction, and the relationship between radical politics and their neutralization by market and state forces.

What can ongoing political organizing learn from the history of radical art and cultural politics?

For this evening editor Stevphen Shukaitis will talk about Minor Composition (and Autonomedia) as project and publication series, focusing on themes such as precarity, the radical imagination, communization, occupations, and autonomy. How do these ideas developed from within movements in one context migrate to other countries and situations? And what happens to them when they move?

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Recording of Ian Bone’s Opening Event

Click the link below to view the video:

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Hydra Bookshop to open tomorrow

After months of planning and work, the Hydra Bookshop opens its doors for business tomorrow.

The Bristol Radical History Group has organized an opening week of events for the Hydra to mark the opening.

The first event, which takes place at 3pm tomorrow Saturday afternoon, will be a talk by Ian Bone. Sunday will feature two events. Steve Higginson will speak at 3pm. Followed by Sheila Coleman of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign at 7pm.

Please support the shop by coming to the events and by buying books.



The Hydra

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Old Market Riot – 23rd February 1932

The photo at the top of the pages shows the Old Market Riot. It had begun as a march of 3,000 demonstrators who had intended to send a deputation to the City Council. They were stopped by a double line of police as they attempted to march down Old Market.

The site of the Hydra Bookshop is visible in the background in the photo. At the time, the site was occupied by the Alderman Stevans Almshouse since 1679. The Almshouse was bombed in WWII and the current buildings occupying the same burbage plot were rebuilt by the Alderman Stevans charity in 1957. The site still serves the same purpose and was rebuilt with the same two shop units at the front at street level.

Photo of Almshouse

Interview with Bill Curtis, a participant in the march, recorded in 1998 when he was aged 87.

The Bristol Radical History Event from 4th November 2006 – “The Revolt of the Unemployed”

The Evening Post report:

Grave riots broke out in the streets of Bristol yesterday afternoon and last night, when unemployed demonstrators came into violent conflict with the police. In Old Market Street yesterday afternoon, nearly 3,000 demonstrators, who intended to send a deputation into the City Council, were stopped by a double line of police when they attempted to march through the most congested part of the city.

Thick sticks and lengths of gas piping were used by the crowd as weapons against the baton attack of the police. Bricks, stones and coke were also hurled. Thirty of the unemployed were injured, and several police were struck by missiles.

The conflict occurred after the police had refused to allow the men to march up Castle Street. The whole crowd momentarily paused, and when one of the leaders pushed an inspector and raised a stick, the rest pressed forward and broke through the lines of police, who drew their batons and used them to repulse the attacking mob of shouting men.

Within the twinkling of an eye, almost, four or five of the crowd were lying, stunned and inert, in the road, while others fought hand-to-hand with members of the police, who, in some cases without helmets and bleeding from face wounds, fought fiercely until they finally repulsed the marchers and drove them up Old Market Street. There were no deaths, but some 20 men were treated for minor injuries.

We have been unable to find the Evening Post comments section that accompanied the above report.

Events to commemorate the 80th anniversary are being planned.


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John Desmond – Lessons from the Tredegar Medical Aid Society – Bristol Radical History Week

Date: Wednesday 30th November 2011
Speaker: John Desmond
Time: 19:00
Venue:Hydra Books 34 Old Market

The Tredegar Medical Aid Society was founded in Tredegar in South Wales in 1890. In return for a contribution from its members it supplied free health care. This society contributed the model which established the British National Health Service

The provenance of John’s talk is a series of events which began last year. After recounting these events, he will discuss the lessons which he has learnt from his research into, and his reflections about the Tredegar Medical Aid Society. He will conclude by touching upon his current work about the health sector in Wales, which is informed by these lessons.’

John throws into sharp relief the contrast between the provision of a health service by the Tredegar Medical Aid Society and its current provision by the State.

Part of Bristol Radical History Group’s opening week of events for the Hydra.

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